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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

Wiki Activity for the 21st Century Literacy Integration Workshop




Activity Objectives

Welcome to the wiki. Our goals here are twofold: learn more about the world of wikis by participating in creating one, and become more knowledgable about the specific characteristics of 21st Century Literacy.


To thrive in a world transformed by technology and human ingenuity, what skill sets will our children need?




Each group will be assigned one of the 21st Century Student Outcomes identified by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Your job in the next hour is to collaborate in creating a wiki entry for the characteristic you are assigned.

Stage 1:

Learn about your 21st Century Student Outcome using the website above and the videos in Blackboard. In your section ofthe wiki below, create a poem about your Student Outcome. __The format for your wiki is an acrostic poem.__ Click here to see a sample acrostic poem.


Stage 2:

After creating your poem, you will go to another group's wiki. Here, you will learn about the Student Outcome and add suggestions for classroom applications and implications for the students.


Stage 3:

Revisit your initial wiki and discuss with your group how these suggestions might look in YOUR classroom. Be prepared to share out to the large group.


21st Century Student Outcomes


• Group A: Core Subjects AND 21st Century Themes


• Group B: Learning and Innovation Skills


• Group C: Information, Media and Technology Skills


• Group D: Life and Career Skills

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