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Digital Age Literacy

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago

Digital Age Literacy Digital Age Literacy Digital Age Literacy Directions: Using your enGuage handout or information you find by clicking on the sidebar link, create a descriptive acrostic poem. You don't have to use every letter. To begin, click on "Edit Page" above. Note: only one person at a time can edit a wiki page.


D-discovering digital technology

I-information Literacy

G-global awareness

I-interpersonal skills

T-technological literacies, awareness, and understanding


L-locate, synthesize and use information effectively


A-advanced learning

G-growing curiosity, creativity, and risk taking

E-economic issues, consequences, change, conditions, policies, costs,






E-ever changing

R-real-world tools

A-adaptable, efficient, and effective

C-cooperative communication

Y generation


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