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Effective Communication

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago

Directions: Using your enGuage handout or information you find by clicking on the sidebar link, create a descriptive acrostic poem. You don't have to use every letter. To begin, click on "Edit Page" above. Note: only one person at a time can edit a wiki page.


E - Empowerment comes from communication

F - Focus on the message

F - Find your interpersonal focus

E - Essential for success in today's knowledge-based society

C - Collaboration is key

T - Teaming to solve problems and master content

I - Interpersonal Skills

V - Verbal diaherra is not effective communication

E - Exchanges using a range of contemporary tools, transmissions, and processes


C - Civic, personal, and social responsibility

O - One or more individuals

M - Meaningful exchanges

M - Manage technology

U - Understandings equals successful communication

N - Needs to be accountable to the group

I - Interactive communication

C - Cooperative interactions

A - Ability to apply knowledge to achieve balance

T - Technology is raising the bar

I - Interpretation is driven by interests and bias

O - Open-minded

N - Non-verbal communication is part of the message


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