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High Productivity

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago



Directions: Using your enGuage handout or information you find by clicking on the sidebar link, create a descriptive acrostic poem. You don't have to use every letter. To begin, click on "Edit Page" above. Note: only one person at a time can edit a wiki page.


H - High-Quality Products

I - Intellectual and informational products

G - Go big or go home!

H - High-stakes focus


P - Prioritizing, planning, and managing for results

R - Real World Projects

O - Organize to efficiently achieve goals

D - Determines success or failure in today's workforce

U - Utilizing real-world tools

C - Communicate about real world problems

T - Technology-powered economy

I - Informational technology used for real-world applications

V - Vuuuuuuu is not productive!!!!!!!

I - Intensive planning leads to high productivity (planear intensivamente resulta en la productividad alta)

T - Tools (hardware, software, networking and peripheral devices)

Y - Yawning, get some sleep to be productive


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Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 11:03 am on Sep 12, 2006

This page is awesome!

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