SAS Wiki Collaboration for November 20, 2006
Marzano Strategies
Activity Objectives
Welcome to the wiki. Our goals here are twofold: learn more about the world of wikis by participating in creating one, and collaborate with peers in thinking about the how integrating technology can improve instruction outlined in the nine Marzano strategies.
Essential Question: How can...
sharing ideas around the nine Marzano strategies improve instruction and achievement in our schools?
Each group will be assigned one of the Marzano straegies below. Your job in the next hour is to create a wiki entry for the topic you are assigned.
After working on one entry for a while, we will rotate, and you can add to, revise, and clarify the entries already created by others.
Include words, phrases, observations, lesson ideas, lesson examples, questions, etc. in your entry.
You might also include a picture or graphic to illustrate your ideas.
Research Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement
Click here to work on the wiki: Identifying Similarities and Differences
Click here to work on the wiki: Summarizing and Note Taking
Click here to work on the wiki: Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition
Click here to work on the wiki: Homework and Practice
Click here to work on the wiki: Nonlinguistic Represenation
Click here to work on the wiki: Cooperative Learning
Click here to work on the wiki: Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback
Click here to work on the wiki: Generating and Testing Hypotheses
Click here to work on the wiki: Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers
Click here to work on the wiki: Vocabulary Strategies
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